Wednesday, 14 January 2009

Geoff Burch's TV programme

Geoff Burch appears on BBC2 next week. It's the start of his series "All Over The Shop". Here's a brief synopsis:

All Over The Shop Tuesday 21 October
7:30pm - 8:00pm
Business guru Geoff Burch is on a mission to improve Britain's small shops by teaching them how to turn a profit and please their customers. Geoff pounds the pavements of Cardiff's suburbs to underline the importance of marketing for small businesses. He meets a bridal shop owner who is a bit of a wallflower, a toy shop and cafe owner who has neglected to tell anyone he has opened up, and a pet shop owner who simply hates selling

Geoff will be speaking at "Communicate With Clarity" at Barnet FC on December 2nd

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